It is one of popular foods in United States & many other countries around world. They come in different types, flavors and nowadays, different shapes and sizes as well. In different parts of the world, famous people and restaurants use different methods to prepare pizza.
* Ingredients:
°190 liters of lukewarm water at 40 degrees
°1/4 teaspoon granulated sugar
°1/4 tsp sea salt or 1/4 tsp table salt
°1/2 tsp active dry yeast
°60 L corn oil
°A bowl with capacity
3/5 flour
°Non-stick cooking spray (to grease your pan)
°A cup with a capacity of
30 ml containing grated Romano cheese or One 30 ml cup containing parmesan cheese
°300 gram Italian sausage, raw
°454 grams of crushed tomatoes, lightly drained
A cup with a capacity of
°30 ml containing grated cheese or One 30 ml C contain parmesan-cheese
* Methods :
Press dough to pan from center to the edge, as flat & even as possible. centime up sides in thin paper lip for 2.5 to 3.75 centime high.
Adding baking powder, corn oil & small amount flour.
Mix To thick dough is obtained, & adding rest of flour also keep to mix to a homogeneous blend is obtained.
Kneading To dough mixes to smooth ball, & STOP. The total mixing / kneading time should not exceed 2-3 minutes (this step can also be done in a blender with a dough hook). 1 - 2 minutes. If it look smooth, but does not form ball, peel it off & form a ball).
Placing dough in bowl (or keep it in your blend bowl), lightly oil / spraying dough ball.
Covering bowl with plastic wrap & place it in warm place. Permit dough rise for 1 to 2 h (or until dough has double).
After proofing you can use the dough immediately OR roll out the dough and let it rise again until you are ready to use the dough OR place it in a plastic zipper bag and in the fridge for 6 at 24 hours.
ASSEMBLING YOUR PIZZA & BAKING: Placing pizza stone in lower oven rack and place a sturdy aluminum foil on upper rack. Precise your oven 500 (F). It must take about 40 minutes at a time.Preheaat stove, so that you can do this when your dough is rise .
Using fine strainer on bowl, drain excess tomatoes, if obligatory.
Lightly greased bottom (not sides) of your pan with oil or high temperature cook spraying .
Press out dough in the pan to center to edge, as flat also even as possible. centime up the sides to a paper-thin lip for 2.5 to 3.75 centime high.Lightly press slice mozzarella to dough, covering slices to bottom is totally covered (ifyou are making an all-cheese pizza, you can add more cheese if you want, then skip straight through. to the part where you add the tomatoes).
Add the Italian sausage: For traditional patties, add small pieces of sausage over the cheese, connecting them together to form a loose strip, until the entire bottom is covered.
Adding any other ingredient you want to protect to burning.
THE PART O YOU ADD THE TOMATOES: Using a large spoon or ladle, top the pizza with the chopped tomatoes, spreading the sauce from the center to the edge until the other ingredients are completely covered with sauce; you should have between 397 and 454 grams of tomatoes.
Sprinkling grated Romano (and / or Parmesan) cheese on top of sauce.
Lower the oven to 450 and place the pizza pan directly on the pizza stone on the lower rack.
Bake for about 35 minutes. If your crust or top start to toast, placing sheet of aluminum foil on top of pizza for the rest baking time.
Removing to oven, let pizza rest for 5 min, & cut & serve on a real plate with knife also fork.
Enjoy !